الثلاثاء، 24 فبراير 2009

Who is Addictooo

Nαme: ǺmoOon Ǻl-Suwάidi

Nicknαme: © α∂∂ι¢тoOo >>E7m e7m

Age: 21 yeάrs old

Major: Ë-bủsiness

Hobbiess: Swimming, reάding stories

Personαlity: Active, honest, sensitive, αdvanture

Best quoted: When you love your enemy is when he feels of his emptiness:P

Ambitious: Grάduάte from the College άs fast άs possiible: P with hiĝh degree άnd hiĝh GPA

My Fαvourite Colors: Brown, red, blαck άnd blue

Cάreer Goάls: Be ά successful business womαn αnd run my own compαny

My Future Plαn: Complete my study to get high degree in my mάjor

الأحد، 22 فبراير 2009

Store your info

In this semter we should to do a database on the Access which is a Perfume project then in this project we should to make this database web-enable,we should to deal with xampp program. As we are a group we have divided the expertise .I will be responsible for Mysql